COMMENTARY: Although he has not celebrated Mass publicly since 2022, the Holy Father has made Eucharistic adoration a main ...
Through sacrifice and unwavering faith, Abraham’s covenant with God prefigures the greater fulfillment in Christ, as depicted ...
COMMENTARY: Correcting two distortions of the historical record in aid of partisan ecclesiastical purposes in hope they cease ...
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said he is aware that many pro-life advocates are concerned that abortion-derived cell lines are being ...
The Whipples have been working to make their dream a reality since they started roasting coffee beans in their Minneapolis ...
‘Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). “I’m a Christian — I love everybody!” Some of us may ...
U.S. District Court Judge Amir Ali, who was appointed by former President Joe Biden, ordered the administration to pay about ...
Banker-turned-politician’s rise to Canada’s highest elected office arrives at a pivotal moment for America’s northern ...
At the end of the panel, Philos Catholic Director Simone Rizkallah addressed each of the family members assuring them of ...
For their part, the Catholic bishops of the state are urging the faithful to counter the planned event through prayer and ...
Studies say Christians are the largest religious group in the mountainous and sparsely populated Arunachal Pradesh situated ...
Son Sebastian Lai says his father, who has spent more than 1,500 days in solitary confinement, has been denied the Eucharist.