Dans une ère où l’intelligence artificielle s’impose comme un levier stratégique incontournable, la France s’apprête à accueillir l’un des projets les plus ambitieux d’Europe : la construction d’un ...
Le vent tourne dans l’univers crypto, et cette fois, c’est Ondo Finance qui mène la danse. La société spécialisée dans la tokenisation des actifs du monde réel (RWA) vient d’annoncer le lancement de ...
The wind is shifting in the crypto universe, and this time, it’s Ondo Finance that is leading the dance. The company specialized in the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA) has just announced the ...
19h00 3 min de lecture par Eddy S. S'informer Réglementation Le programme crypto de Donald Trump pourrait avoir des répercussions significatives sur l’accélération du développement de l’Euro numérique ...
The crypto program of Donald Trump could have significant repercussions on the acceleration of the development of the digital Euro, according to Piero Cipollone, member of the European Central Bank ...
18h00 4 min de lecture par Mikaia A. S'informer Altcoins Le Shiba Inu (SHIB) traverse une période difficile, mais loin d’être un arrêt de mort, cette correction pourrait bien cacher une opportunité en ...
The Shiba Inu (SHIB) is going through a tough time, but far from being a death knell, this correction might well hide a golden opportunity for savvy investors. In the ruthless world of crypto, ...
Mientras Bitcoin y Ethereum han allanado el camino para los ETF, ahora es la criptomoneda Sol la que está a punto de escribir un nuevo capítulo. La SEC ha encendido una mecha inesperada: la agencia ha ...
The fusion between technology and power is an equation that Elon Musk seems to have made his playground. From controlling Twitter (now X) to space initiatives with SpaceX, the billionaire has ...
While Bitcoin and Ethereum have paved the way for ETFs, it is now the crypto Sol that is about to write a new chapter. The SEC has just lit an unexpected fuse: the agency has triggered the countdown ...
As often, Donald Trump is fanning the flames and finance is igniting. His explosive statement about a possible U.S. occupation of Gaza has sown chaos, pushing investors to seek refuge. And like an old ...
The rise of quantum computing could challenge the security of inaccessible bitcoin wallets, according to Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether. In a recent statement, he warned that technological advances in ...