KUCHING: The BAS.MY Kuching stage bus service will commence operations in phases starting Wednesday (March 5).
Sarawak-owned AirBorneo will be absorbing existing MASwings employees, according to state transport minister Lee Kim Shin.
Ventrix Borneo Sdn Bhd and Pengurusan Infrakop Sdn Bhd recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Shah Alam, Selangor, on developing the space industry in Sarawak. According to Ventrix ...
Malaysia’s government unveiled legislation to regulate carbon capture and storage activities that will allow the oil producer ...
Air Borneo, the state-owned airline of Sarawak, is finalising its branding, which includes developing a logo that will soon be subject to a public competition. Sarawak Transport Minister Datuk Seri ...
KUALA LUMPUR -- The Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW) has approved 98 projects under the Rural Roads (JALB) ...
The group will own a 45% share in the JV company. Sheffield Green’s wholly-owned subsidiary Wind Asia Training Pte. Ltd.
KUCHING: A large-scale iftar (breaking of fast) event will be held here next week, celebrating Sarawak's unity and diversity by bringing people from various backgrounds together.
This year’s edition of ‘Juh Berambeh Sungkey’ will be different from the previous years, as people from different faiths are invited to attend, said Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato ...
Forty years after the sentiment of change swept Sabah, the writer believes his home state is ready for the Spirit of 2025.