Knoxville's historic homes enchant us and delight us ... have hung up around the house was painted by Close's grandmother, Virginia Close. The house is full of personal touches like these.
Roanoke, an organization that preserves the region’s rail heritage has a new home for its historic collection.
Civil War battlefields and presidential homes (Virginia's the home state of eight presidents, after all). In the cities, you'll find historic architecture and cobblestone streets. Modern travelers ...
The group plans to rebuild of the Skipwith-Roper cottage, the 18th century home of Jackson Ward's first black homeowner.
Join us for a home tour! 🏡 We’re touring 'The Wharton Place.' This home was built in 1805 and has been regarded as one of the finest period homes on ...
The historic Bushong Home on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of the Civil War is celebrating its bicentennial this year.