UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, verurteilt die Abschiebung von etwa 40 Uiguren nach mehr als zehn Jahren in thailändischen Haftanstalten.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, deeply regrets the deportation of some 40 Uyghurs after more than 10 years in Thailand’s detention centres.
Frontline communities continue to suffer the dire consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine for a fourth year.
UNHCR stands ready to support Syrians wherever they are. We urge all parties to act now to ensure this moment becomes a turning point toward hope, recovery, and lasting peace and stability for the ...
Frontline communities continue to suffer the dire consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine for a fourth year.
Alors que la guerre en Ukraine entre dans sa quatrième année, qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les personnes contraintes de fuir leurs foyers ? Depuis l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie en février ...
As we mark three years of devastating war in Ukraine, millions of ordinary Ukrainians – one third of the current population – are in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Their plight should be ...
Drei Jahre nach dem verheerenden Krieg in der Ukraine sind Millionen von Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainern – ein Drittel der aktuellen Bevölkerung – dringend auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Ihre Notlage so ...
Every voice, helping hand, social media share or signature matters. Join a UNHCR campaign or initiative and help refugees, displaced and stateless people.
At UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, we are aware of various fraudulent schemes being circulated via email, social media and internet websites. These schemes falsely state that ...
UNHCR protects and safeguards the rights of refugees, asylum-seekers, people displaced within their own country and stateless persons.
An asylum-seeker is someone who is seeking international protection. Learn more about asylum-seekers and how UNHCR protects them.