Civility, the act of respecting others, has been linked to patient outcomes, medical costs, and retention of qualified ...
People who regularly consume yogurt had lower incidence of Bifidobacterium-positive proximal colon cancer, according to results of a study published in Gut Microbes. Investigators ...
Combination treatment with nivolumab and cabozantinib provides long-term benefits over sunitinib in patients with advanced RCC, according to final results from the CheckMate 9ER trial.
The 18-gene MyProstateScore 2.0 biomarker test was designed to reduce overdiagnosis of low-grade prostate cancers.
Breast cancer and basal cell carcinoma were the most prevalent malignancies in patients with MS undergoing long-term DMT treatment.
Clinically significant improvement seen in fatigue, and improvement seen in relative peak aerobic capacity with 12-week exercise regimen.
A pilot study explored the feasibility and safety of an intervention for HNC survivors with late RAD comprising 10 manual therapy sessions followed by 6 weeks of home exercises.
Further assessment is needed to understand if these treatment recommendations were eventually adopted and if adoption leads to better outcomes,” researchers wrote.
The combination of savolitinib and durvalumab demonstrated durable activity in a phase 2 trial of patients with papillary RCC.
Researchers sought to determine whether CAR-T therapy with ide-cel would be effective in patients with triple-class–exposed relapsed/refractory MM.
Pembrolizumab has robust, durable clinical benefit in patients with heavily pretreated CCGC and was tolerated in the overall population,” researchers wrote.