Getting a good education involves more than learning math and geometry equations, memorizing major moments in history or learning lines from a poem written by a 17th century author. Emotional ...
Home values in Litchfield jumped by an average of 15 percent for 2020, a rate that the Meeker County Assessor’s Office said gets the city to state mandated valuation levels. The property ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Forced leaves began in Washington and worldwide Friday for most employees of the U.S. Agency for ...
Social distancing, by its very nature, has caused us to be apart from those in-person human connections that we took for granted. After six weeks of being isolated from others, many are starting ...
Good weather and few interruptions have helped progress on the downtown Litchfield street reconstruction project. So well has work gone that reconstruction of the U.S. Highway 12/State Highway 22 ...
Sitting modestly on a chair, the outgoing fire chief turned slightly, so as to not directly face the dozens of people who showed up that day to honor him. After all, he said, that day wasn’t ...
A good leader knows how to be flexible and adapt to change. That’s a lesson students in the Hutchinson Leadership Institute this year have learned first hand. “You did what great ...
It was a rainy, gloomy Sunday morning May 24, but that didn’t seem to dampen bright spirits at the front doors of Riverside Church on Hutchinson’s west side. “We are a really lively ...
Photography and telling people’s stories is a passion for Tanner Schaaf. The 26-year-old man from Kingston who was also a student at New Century Academy in Hutchinson for a year has been ...
When life gives you lemons, the saying goes you make lemonade. In the case of Jon Lueck, however, you make beer. Lueck is owner of the new Lazy Loon Brewing Co. and taproom at 610 13th St. E., Glencoe ...
Minnesota schools are busy developing plans to deliver education in the 2020-21 school year – three, to be precise. The three plans aren’t new. They’ve been on the radar of ...
Members of the Hutchinson City Council unanimously made the following decisions at their July 28 meeting: DONATIONS: Approved a $150 donation from Our Savior’s Lutheran Women’s Guild ...