Like Elon Musk's trashing of Twitter, turning once-trusted outlets into instruments of propaganda will have two main beneficiaries: President Donald Trump and the tech billionaires looking for ...
Jeff Bezos knocked a yet another hole in the Washington Post's finances this week, as the paper has lost 75,000 digital ...
By banning perspectives critical of the status quo, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is turning a major news outlet into a ...
Welcome to the Great Emboldening.
The independent press, with its flaws (and there are many), matters more than ever before. We need to speak out and challenge ...
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has made a major overhaul in the Washington Post's opinion section, making "personal liberties and ...
Rupert Murdoch, left, and Larry Ellison, chairman and chief technology officer of Oracle Corporation, sit in the Oval Office ...