Everyone from local archaeologist Samuel Butts Sr., to longtime educator and business owner Patricia Heard are honored.
International Medical Graduates who seek entry into U.S. programs of Graduate Medical Education (GME) must obtain a visa that permits clinical training to provide medical services. Nearly one-fourth ...
The Quarterly Survey of International Trade in Services (QITIS) collects information on the imports and exports of 52 different types of services (products) by country of origin and destination.
The Annual Survey of International Trade in Services (AITIS) collects information on the imports and exports of 52 different types of services by country of origin. Additionally, a further 27 ...
As a result of the progressive mechanization of our armed forces before the War, the Royal Army Veterinary Corps was very considerably ... British Army veterinary services until the end of 1940.
Coming soon: Drugs for weight loss have been used for a long time in practice, however recent developments prompted the need for this special edition. The goals of this collection are to discuss ...
Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, more than 240,000 Americans of all ages have served in 142 countries worldwide. The Office of the Third Goal and Returned Volunteer Services supports ...
Welcome to International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS). The New School is home to more than 3,500 international students and research scholars from more than 100 countries. The ISSS staff is ...
International Student & Scholar Services is dedicated to fostering your academic, professional, and intercultural development. We provided immigration advising, advocate for your support and inclusion ...