Former CNN anchor Don Lemon issued an expletive-filled rebuke of Megyn Kelly after the ex-Fox News anchor celebrated the end ...
Former CNN host Don Lemon minced no words in a scorched earth rant about Megyn Kelly that saw him call the former Fox News personality a “racist” on Monday morning. Lemon kicked off his ...
On “The Megyn Kelly Show,” the SiriusXM host asked the ... importance to issues like “shipping lanes.” “Well, the Arctic, which has gotten very little attention, but the Arctic Circle ...
Megyn Kelly stirred controversy on Monday after she argued that modern women should be able to balance a career and a family. “Ladies, it is possible to make your own money, have your own career ...
Megyn Kelly came under fire on social media Monday by some conservative women after she encouraged them to lead independent financial lives while balancing family and romance. The SiriusXM host ...
In this special WTH episode, Megyn Kelly shares her feelings about Trump 2.0, the direction of the country under his leadership, and how his approach the second time around differs from the first.