The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday it would delay an action by one year to expand sales of higher ethanol blends of gasoline in South Dakota and Ohio, two of eight Midwestern states that requested the agency approve increased sales of the product.
Hoping to escape to paradise with your special person? Good idea. These romantic Airbnbs in South Dakota are perfect for the occasion.
Bailey Biegler had been at her job with the USDA for about a month when on Friday, with about 3 1/2 hours of the work day left, Biegler received an email.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that these nine states have the lowest unemployment rates—far below the national average. Find out why.
One hundred and sixty-two years ago Dakota people were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands in Minnesota and placed on reservations in Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. On Tuesday the South Dakota Senate passed a resolution asking that the Dakota Removal Act be rescinded.