ing John lost all the territories in France and Normandy when the French barons rose up against his misrule and forced the English out. In England, demands for higher taxes to fight the French had ...
In 1381 a series of revolts erupted in England protesting against the enforced collection of high taxes. Some tax collectors were killed as they tried to gather the taxes. Several separate revolts ...
Henry was the third son of Stephen, count of Blois, and Adela the daughter of William the Conqueror. In 1126 Henry became the abbot at Glastonbury Abbey and shortly afterwards in 1129 became the ...
ll that remains of York Castle is the shell of the stone keep on top of the motte. This keep is known as Clifford's Tower. The tower is constructed from four semi-circular lobes and would have had a ...
Edward was the first son born to King Henry III and Eleanor of Provence and was born at the Palace of Westminster. Simon de Montfort was chosen as his godfather by Henry III. ¹ ...
ubert Walter had served under the English Kings Henry II and Richard I. He joined Richard I during the third crusade and arranged the payment of ransom money to free Richard after the king was ...
Father Philippe (IV, The Fair, King of France 1285-1314) Mother Joan (of Champagne) ...
This map show the areas of Britain and France that William the Conqueror had control over in 1087. This graphic is based on a map in Gardiners Atlas of English History.
When Aethelred died the Witan council's support was split between Canute and Edmund. Canute returned to England intent on taking the English throne, but he had to defeat Edmund to do so. Edmund's army ...
Edmund the Earl of Richmond died in captivity in Carmarthen Castle. His thirteen year old bride Margaret was expecting their child who would become the future King Henry VII.
lewelyn ap Gruffydd was the Prince of Wales. He was accepted as the ruler of the Welsh and when King Edward became King of England he expected the Prince to pay homage and accept Edward as his ...
Aelfgar, earl of Mercia was outlawed by the witan. In revenge he built a force and allied himself with Welsh Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. After defeating the King's nephew, Radulf, they attacked Hereford and ...