Hello everyone! I'm “Mak Mak”! I am a lively and active girl with the mission to promote Macao.
Macau International Airport operates 24 hours a day, with many visitors entering the territory via numerous major cities around the region. For detailed information on flight schedules, please visit ...
Approved by the State Council, starting from March 6, 2024, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, will be added as a city in mainland China for the "Individual Visit Scheme" to Hong Kong and Macao. "Shaanxi · ...
天氣酷熱。多雲,部份時間有陽光。有一兩陣驟雨。吹2至3級北至東北風。相對濕度介乎百分之60至95之間。預測最高紫外線指數約為 10,級別屬於甚高。 天氣酷熱。多雲,短暫時間有陽光。
Cloudy apart from sunny periods. Force 3 to 4 east to northeasterly winds. Relative humidity will range between 60% and 90%. Maximum UV index is expected to be 10, which is classified as Very High.
智能行程規劃 計劃行程 觀光購物 美食之旅 旅遊快訊 住宿 ...
Olá! Sou a “Mak Mak”! Sou uma menina activa e dinâmica. Estou a assumir a missão de promover Macau.
Hello everyone! I'm “Mak Mak”! I am a lively and active girl with the mission to promote Macao.