A total of 61 police officers have been disciplined for sexual misconduct while working for Thames Valley Police (TVP) over recent years, a report shows. In the third report of its kind released by ...
Former 'Below Deck' crew members sue Bravo, the show's star, Gary King, and others claiming the network covered up King’s ...
The charges include using a computer to seduce a child for sexual conduct and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Manchester school officials said they have received new allegations about a police sergeant, who was arrested in December, ...
A Spanish Lake man remains behind bars for now for sexual misconduct on a MetroLink train for the second time. Deangelo ...
Once caught, the therapist lied to state police, claiming the 19-year-old sexually assaulted her, according to the prosecutor ...
A Marion County Judge sentenced an Oregon Youth Authority staff member to 60 months in prison for having sexual intercourse ...
Women are the common denominators in sexual misconduct cases like these. From Hollywood to government and even to Baylor, ...