Gerald Lemanski became concerned when he found a bag on the doorstep of his Tempe home in July 2024. It led to his arrest.
The proposed ordinance would hold both landlords and occupants accountable for nuisance violations at a property.
The devices have the capability to translate more than 200 languages and were created by Translate Live LLC in a pilot program for the city.
The city of Tempe will be holding two public meetings as it looks to update its nuisance and loud party ordinances.
Put on by the Tempe Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, students will deliver TEDx-style presentations followed by a panel with ...
Wicked is playing at ASU Gammage, and to celebrate, Terra Tempe Kitchen & Spirits at The Westin is transforming into Emerald ...
The city of Tempe announced Wednesday it has joined the global organization Strong Cities Network in its fight against hate, ...
The city of Tempe has launched a pilot program to better serve its community members who speak different languages. The ...
Tempe Marketplace opened in 2007, and city documents from that time indicate there were plans for a Sam’s Club store to be included at the mall. In December 2023, representatives from Tempe ...