Bill Gates with a printout of the Altair BASIC source code from 1975, one of Microsoft's earliest software artifacts. Click ...
Apple co-founder, the late Steve Jobs urged Bill Gates to take acid because it would inspire more design prowess, making ...
Intel’s struggles have not only disappointed PC builders, but also Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who’s shocked by the US ...
In his new memoir, Bill Gates doesn’t mention any study of William Wordsworth’s writings. But when I read Source Code: My ...
The Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist is taking a break from the future to examine his past — and mulling where the ...
While Jobs was busy taking over the consumer technology market through his innovative designs, Microsoft was busy developing ...
In his new memoir, "Source Code," billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates opens up about his adolescence and early adult life.
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates in an interview Wednesday said ... employees who manage that work aren’t being let into the office. So we’re a bit up in the air.” ...